Redneck Quote of the Week:

You Might be a Redneck Gardener if: You have a "Beer Garden" for slugs.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Pass Along Plants

"Pass Along Plants"

If you don't know what a pass along plant, well I suppose I can explain it to you real quick! There are a few different examples I will tell you about, but some other folks could probably add to it.
  • My personal favorite is "it came from my Granny's garden" plant. This plant is shared through family generations. The child grows up and moves into their own home... the Mother or other family member will give the gift of a plant to plant in their own garden or as a potted plant, that was special somehow in their own garden (or one previously passed down to them from another) Most of these types of plants are cherished as family heirlooms and are cared for as if they are a member of the family. God forbid that something should happen to it! (Wedding plants that are given to the newlyweds for their new home can become this "Granny" plant if chosen wisely!)
  • Funeral plants hold special meaning for some and are passed down and/or divided among close friends.
  • Then there is the OMG! I love that, where did you find it, and why didn't you tell me about it, plant that miraculously showed up at a friend or relatives house that you don't visit very often but share a love of plants with, and that you managed to get a piece to take home.

 My Great Granny had Bearded Iris' that absolutely filled a very large raised bed in front of her home. She had 5 daughters and of course lots grand kids and great grand kids. I think we have all had a tuber or two of her wonderful Iris' and the offspring of them will continue to get passed along.

I had moved to a new home in a town where my Mother lived. Had left everything behind and the only person I knew was my Mom. She had gotten the home ready for me and was there when I arrived. I was so nice to walk in and see a completely ready home including some houseplants. I still have those plants today! Now understand that houseplants tend to come and go! I covet these plants and treat them like they are my children. One of these plants was a Snake plant or mother-in-laws tongue and I am hear to tell you that these will bloom! I was so upset that a weed had somehow grown into it that I got everything ready to re-pot it (I wasn't going to pull it and leave some weed root behind!) and upon closer inspection found that my beloved plant had bloomed! 

I just got my newest OMG! plant from my soon-to be sister-in-law. We all gathered at her house for Christmas Day and as soon as I walked into the foyer I saw it! Beautiful dangling blooms like an umbrella at the top of a long stalk! I tell ya, I was doing the dance! But....... then I realized what the rest of the plant was and felt disappointment wash over me because as neat as the plant is, it is a pain in the you know what! Mother of 1000, Piggyback plant, Devil's back bone, Mexican hat and several other names, but a Kalanchoe all the same.
Oh dread, but then I saw those blooms again and figure that I didn't give it a chance back in the `80's. Me and a few other million people! I had no idea that this plant would bloom so wonderfully and I really got tired of all its millions of little babies falling off of it into everything else and growing.... yes, even in the carpet! Well, redneck that I am, I had to have it and would figure out some sort of contraceptive to keep it in line! Google after all is a world of information, LOL! That is exactly what I did as soon as I got home with my 10, 5-6 inch babies(yep, that's right, I brought t-e-n home) What? Trust me she had enough to start a farm! Anyway, I found the best contraceptive for this flowering beauty..... wipe the babies off and toss them or plant a reasonable number if you want to multiply them. Although they grow from a leaf as well, the will not bloom this way. For blooms they must grow from a plantlet.

Here is a list of common easy to pass along plants:

Iris' or other tuber plants ~ Gladiolas or other bulb plants ~ Cannas
Christmas and Thanksgiving and Easter Cactus
Cane Begonia ~ Mother in law tongue
Umbrella plants ~ Shamrocks
Philodendron ~ Pothos
Spider plant ~ Violets
Peonies ~ Lilacs
 and many more....

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